Part 50: An Ill Presage - Battle
Chapter 22 Battle
Seal Time
Donny changes to a Warrior, trading in his swords for a bow rank. Warriors I have to admit aren't that great overall, since Heroes are much faster while only giving up strength which is the easiest to fix. Also, Bows are random and are much more convenient for the enemies to exploit on fliers than us.
13 party members is a bit of overkill for this chapter. As a bit of mercy from last chapter's constant swarm, what you see is what you yet. 12 Deadlords and Aversa, and it's even a Kill Commander map if you really don't want to deal with this chapter.
Delay them. But carefully... We must reclaim Robin's power.
Ah, yes. Don't worry, I'll take extra care with Daddy's special little girl.
Fools! Do you know where you've come?
Return the Fire Emblem now, and we can end this!
Aaah ha ha ha ha! You would...end this?
Yes, once and for all.
My dear boy, we already know how this story endsyou and I both! And yet you rush here... Are you so eager to meet the fell dragon yourself? Or perhaps your own fatal destinyyou would have that realized first? Ha ha!
To hell with your destiny. I'll write a new ending.
Oh ho ho, so now you believe you can change fate? And here I thought your exalted sister had delusions of grandeur...
We've done it already.
Your victory over sad little Gangrel? Or perhaps Walhart's defeat? Those were meant to happen. They were preordained. You are just another fool in motley, capering on the stage!
But...what about Emmeryn!
You changed only the method of her death. Either way, she was planted in the ground...
But that was Gangrel's will... Not yours... Not Validar's...
You aren't listening. All of thisevery word and actionhas been orchestrated... Gangrel held the exalt in contempt, yes, so Validar and I used him. In life AND death. The king's demise threw Plegia into chaos. It drove the people to Grima... Now their life force and rancor can be laid before the fell dragon en masse.
You couldn't mean...
It is where Grima feeds! The Grimleal have gladly offered themselves to him for ages. Even now, they pray for his return... Today the Table overflows with bounty, and their prayers will be answered!
I will never allow that to happen!
But it already HAS happened in our future. This moment was set a millennium ago.
How could anyone give their life willingly to that...thing? That monster!
I will stop you! I will stop Grima!
Goodness! Now you're starting to sound like Walhart, the big bully...
He intended to destroy Grima as well, you know.
...Our thanks, incidentally, for taking him off the stage for us.
Rrgh... That's why you gave us your ships and treasure but no soldiers... Get rid of Walhart, but keep the faithful Plegians to set your god's Table...
As you command, Master.
Validar! ...VALIDAR!
*Validar leaves*
But fear not, I have brought the Deadlords to keep you entertained.
These 12 generals were great warriors in life...and even greater, now, in death!
I would introduce them one by one, but well, as you'll see, they're not much for talk. Besides, you'll meet them all soon enough!
8 Deadlords on each side, with the other 4 up ahead.
The Shepherds move ahead with the two Manaketes baiting a couple Deadlords.
Porcus the Assassin has a forged Brave Sword that could even damage Tiki for some hefty damage. Lucina steps in before he got a couple more strikes in.
Equus has a Gungnir, but even with 21 Mt and a high strength, it barely dents Nah's scales.
Tiki has one of the best resistances in the game, so you know Canis is bringing the big guns with that Valflame of hers.
Anguilla has a forged Thoron equipped: B rank, 14 mt, 25 uses. You may remember Thoron waaaay back in the very first mission when Robin and Chrom first fought against Validar.
That was the scariest 2 seconds of this run probably. Of course Inigo misses the 86%, only for the 35% Dual Strike to work. Ugh.
Inigo gets the Valflame tome.
Henry gets the Gungnir and a level.
Chrom takes out Bovis up close and personal, avoiding that dangerous Brave Bow of his.
Donny balances on self-murder as Tigris has Counter, but Vaike gives enough of a strength boost to power through with a second strike.
Donny gets the legendary Helswath afterward. 18 Mt A rank axe, gives +5 defense and has 1-2 range. Arguably the best overall axe thanks to great utility, rivaled only by the Brave Axe in sheer power. Even better, he just learns A rank axes to wield the thing.
Mus deals decent damage against Tiki with that Brave Lance of his.
Yewfelle is a 15 Mt, A rank bow that gives +5 speed. Lovely for Yarne who doesn't even have speed near the 30's at this point .
Well, that sucks.
Still opens up for Noire to whoop some dead ass.
Noire, you're a BOW USER, not a Sorcerer. At least she got the Yewfelle.
Tiki finishes off Mus, leaving just 4 more Deadlords to deal with.
The ironic inconvenience would be Aversa not sitting still and attack us, depriving us of some EXP and awesome weapons.
Apparently someone didn't tell Lepus that today they use the special amazing weapons and not something I can buy off the local shops.
If you're going to grow magic, at least wait until Owain can use something besides a Wind tome.
Ovis rode on the same late cab to the Deadlord meeting as well. Rexcalibur? Come on.
Well...he's strong and fast. Guess I can't expect more, but then again these stats look a hell lot worse without a half dozen speedwings flowing in his blood.
Balmung is a 13 Mt, A rank sword that gives +5 speed so if you thought your Swordmaster was slow for some reason, here it is. I guess. Probably more useful for Great Knights.
Chrom gets the sword, by the way.
Gerome wants to be a healer when he grows old?
Lepus drops a Recover Staff just to rub in how dumb she was to even being here.
A Waste tome? Really? I think Aversa was lying and she only brought like 8 Deadlords and dressed up the rest.
Thought Aversa is still a chump compared to the dead, even with Goetia.
It's a giant dragon, how can you miss??
Oh? Then perhaps one final answer, boy, before you fail...
Who is Validar? Why do you follow him?
He is...a father to me.
...What?! But... You're Robin's sister?!
Aha ha ha! You damn fool! Not literally... But he did raise me as if I were his own. Taught me everything... I was a poor orphaned wretch with dirt for food, yet Master Validar took me in. He provided when others would have watched me starve. I would never presume that he loves me... But he is everything I know of love. I would gladly die at his command.
Even knowing his actions will destroy the world?
But he IS the worldand it is YOU that would destroy HIM! From where I stand, YOU are the only aggressor here. How Robin lives with the shame, attacking her own blood...
Robin sees beyond herself, to the larger reality. One person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions.
A sweet sentiment, and easily spoken when you bear no love for the one... But more difficult when the sacrifice was your exalted sister, wasn't it? I don't expect you to see the world through my eyes, Prince. But I won't pretend to understand how things look through yours.
...Then I suppose there is nothing more to say.
No, I suppose there isn't.
Eh, hold up. Sis wants to talk to you, Robin.
Living only to serve at the beck and call of your masters. Pathetic.
Oh? I might say as much about your relationship to the prince...
And please, don't lump me in with that half-witted little toad. Excellus was nothing but a pawn on our board. Another actor on our stage. His ambition was our insurance against Walhart's threat. If you had failed, he might have destroyed the empire from the inside. But in the end, he was just another puppet whose strings we had to cut.
Then you've confirmed my theory.
Yes, I promised him the Plegian throne in exchange for the Emblem... He jumped at the offer! Well, as much as the fat little piggie could jump...
Men are all the same. Learn their ambition, and you have them by the Oho... Well, perhaps Excellus was a bit different in that respect...
Here I thought him the lowest form of slime imaginable, but you win handily...
Yes, well, we play the roles we're given, Robin, as you'll soon discover.
If we all stand on a great stage, I'll be happy to assist with your exit!
Oh really now, how amusing... You're so cute when you try to be clever.
But Master Validar already considers you stronger and smarter than I... Whatever shall I do if he decides you're more witty as well? Perhaps I'd best kill you before you ripen and become his everything...
Before I "ripen"?
...Shhh. Nothing to worry your pretty little head over. Focus on our battle, instead! If you truly are as gifted as my master says...
There is no need for me to hold back!
But the ritual has already begun. You are too late! Farewell! Perhaps we shall meet again? Oh, actually...I suppose not! Heh hah!
Ugh, I think Aversa talking lasts longer than the entire mission. She drops a Goddess Icon to end the chapter.
Aversa wouldn't leave Validar before he was ready, even with her wounds. His preparations must be complete...
We have to stop him! My future is upon us!
We will, Lucina. I swear to youwe will.